On 29th June 2020 Rev.Fr.Joseph Susainathan was installed as a New Manager and Correspondent of St.Aloysius Middle School, Cleveland town by Rev .Fr. Prashanth Madtha SJ Secretary cum Treasurer of Archdiocesan Board of Education. And the guest and the staff Showed their heartfelt gratitude to Rev.Fr. Bala Francis Former Manager and Correspondent.
Continue ReadingFarewell function for the retired Teachers on 22nd June 2020
Posted on by adminstaly
For the academic year 2020-21 Mrs. Vasanthi Jones , Mrs. Mary Stella and Mrs. Amalorpava Mary J are retired from our school. And there was a small farewell function showing gratitude for their service and dedication in our institution. Rev.Fr.Bala Francis ,Manager and correspondent and Rev,Fr.Devadass were honoured the retired teachers. And Wished them for […]
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